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Q: Would you expect a shrub or a dandelion to be a more likely pioneer species?
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What place would you most likely would find pioneer species?

newly erupted volcano is where u would find pioneer species

What is a place you are most likely to find pioneer species growing?

You are most likely to find pioneer species growing on bare, recently disturbed land, such as volcanically-formed islands, sand dunes, or areas affected by forest fires or glacial retreat. These species are the first to colonize and establish on such harsh environments, paving the way for other plant species to follow.

What best describes a plant that is suited to being a pioneer species?

A pioneer species is typically fast-growing, able to quickly colonize bare or disturbed habitats, and can thrive in harsh environmental conditions. These plants often have small seeds that are easily dispersed and have adaptations that help them establish quickly in new areas. They play a key role in initiating succession and creating conditions for other plant species to follow.

Which organism is least likely to become a fossil- a snail or dandelion?

Of the three organisms it is the snails that has the least chance of becoming a fossil since it has no skeleton.

How does a dandelion seeds ability to be carried on the wind helps reduce competition among dandeloin plants?

The further the wind carries the seeds the further away the starting seed is likely to be from competitive plaint of the same species. Statistically this increases the chances that more dandelion plants will survive to reproduce their own progeny who will also be wind born.

You are most likely to observe primary succession in a terrestrial community when you visit?

You are most likely to observe primary succession in a terrestrial community on recently formed volcanic islands, sand dunes, or areas that have been cleared by glaciers or landslides. These areas lack soil and vegetation, so pioneer species must colonize the area first. Over time, as these pioneer species die and decompose, they begin to build up soil, allowing more complex plant species to establish and creating diverse communities.

What bullet does the Pioneer model 25 rifle use?

Made for Pioneer Stores by J. Stevens, it is likely a .22 LR.

Where can you buy Dandelion tea?

It depends on where you are. There are likely many places that sell it, but it is one of the few things that, depending on where you are, may be easier to make than buy. Open Google maps and say "Buy Dandelion Tea in XXXXXX" where XXXXXX = your city name and you will likely get some results.

How do adaptations affect a species?

they make the species more likely to survive.(apex)

Which organism would most likely be the pioneer organisms on a newly formed volcanic?


Which organisms would most likely be the pioneer organisms on a newly formed volcanic island?

Pioneer organisms on a newly formed volcanic island are likely to be bacteria, lichens, and certain types of plants like mosses. These organisms are well-suited to harsh, barren conditions and can begin the process of soil formation and ecosystem development. Over time, they pave the way for more complex plant and animal species to establish themselves on the island.

Which organisms would most likely be the pioneer organism on a newly formed volcanic island?
