the Greeks were unable to withstand the Philip's invasions because they were alot stronger than them and they had more power.
Norway had to be invaded by sea and air.
They are unable to withstand temperatures under 70 degrees due to a missing gene.
Surface Waves.
German troops were unable to maintain sufficient supplies.
Once cannons became along, the castle walls were unable to withstand a bombardment of cannon balls.
Santa Anna is the Mexican military leader who was unable to stop the invasion from the United States. He served as the 8th President of Mexico.
That territory was Florida, which the Spanish were apparently unable to control.
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Because the Greeks realized that sailing between Persia and India was possible.
Because the Greeks realized that sailing between Persia and India was possible.
No. The Germans intended to invade in 1940 (Operation Sealion) but were unable to gain air superiority so cancelled their invasion plans.
The Phocians did not betray the Greeks at Thermopylai. They were given the job of protecting the track to the west of the pass, and when 10,000 Persian infantry came along the track to outflank the pass, the 1,000 Phocians were unable to block them.