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There are many theories, but no one knows for sure. Some scientists believe massive climate changes, such as extreme heat or extreme cold cause the dinosaurs to die out. The most popular reason, however, is the meteor theory. A great number of a scientists say that a giant meteor struck the Earth during the dinosaur ages, and wiped them all out. The crash supposedly threw so much dust and ash into the air, it took a very long time to settle. The particles in the air blocked a significant amount of sunlight to Earth. Because of this, many plants died which, in turn, caused a catastrophic affect on the herbivore dinosaurs and then the carnivores and omnivores. They say that the meteor that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs caused the Chicxulub Crater in Mexico. This theory is so popular because it is supported most by geographical evidence. However, it is still not supported by enough evidence to say that this theory is 100% what happened. I, personally, do not think they will ever solve the dinosaur extinction mystery. Hope this helps!

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14y ago

Scientists are not sure what caused the extinction of the mammoths and other megafaunal mammals, but they do have a few theories. One is climate change at the end of the Ice Age. The other two include human induced diseases, humans overhunting the megafaunal mammals, or any combination of the above.

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13y ago

Dinosaurs are instinct because I think people killed them a long, long time ago.


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because of the naturle habbitat.

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Q: Why was dinosaurs instinct?
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Are carnivorous dinosaurs instinct?

Extinct. Yes, ALL dinosaurs are extinct.

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How did dinosaurs get mean?

Dinosaurs were not always mean and those that were were not intentionally mean. Dinosaurs went on instinct so they did not choose what they did. Carnivores("meat eaters") were usually the ones pictured as the mean ones.

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No no no the first shark appeared in the jurassic period.

Can you give me a sentence using instinct?

The duckling started swimming out of instinct when she followed the rest of the flock into the lake for the first time. Your instinct when you touch something very very hot is to move your hand right away without thinking.

When did triceratops go instinct?

at the end of the cretatous period 65 million years ago like all other dinosaurs at the time

How do you use instinct in a short sentence?

Dinosaurs are currently extinct, and if we keep killing endangered animals, all those animals will be extinct.

If meat eating dinosaurs didn't have anything to eat will they eat plants?

Meat eating dinosaurs couldn't eat plants because they had teeth designed for riping and tearing meat not grinding plants. they also follow instinct which wouldn't tell them to eat plants because it is against nature and it's not what they were created to do.

Instinct or instinct s30?

of course the instinct s30

Are there dinosaurs in the world?

Yes there were such things as dinosaurs because archeologist's have discovered the remains of dinosaurs and fossils. But there are also animals which evolved from dinosaurs eg: turtles, crocodiles and komodo dragons who have evolved from the dinosaurs.

Sentence with instinct?

i used my instinct

Is instinct an adjective?

No its not but instinct is a noun.