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Q: Why it is important to study marine science?
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Why do we study marine science?

We study marine science to better understand and protect the world's oceans, which are essential to all life on Earth. It helps us address important issues like climate change, marine pollution, overfishing, and conservation of marine biodiversity. Studying marine science also provides insights into the relationships between marine ecosystems and human societies.

What are the major specialties within marine science?

Some major specialties within marine science include marine biology (study of marine organisms), oceanography (study of the physical and chemical properties of the ocean), marine ecology (study of marine ecosystems), and marine conservation (efforts to protect ocean environments and species).

What are the sciences that are in earth science?

The category's that are in Earth Science are as follows:Meteorology: The study of weather.Oceanography: The study of the ocean and marine life.Geography: The study of Earth.Astronomy: The study of space.

What does oceanographers study?

An oceanographer studies the oceans--marine science.

Is marine biology a science?

Yes, marine biology is a specialized division of biology which is the study of life.

Why do we study science and scientist?

why important to study about science and scientist? p;

Ichthyologist study life science earth science or physical science?

i have no freaking idea (sorry) Ichthyologist study marine life, particularly fish. (Ichthy- is the Greek root for fish) They study life science.

What is The study of oceans and seas is included in this scientific discipline.?

Marine science.

What traditional science disciplines does marine science draw on?

Marine science draws on traditional science disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, and geology. It encompasses the study of marine organisms, ecosystems, ocean chemistry, physical processes, and geological features to understand the marine environment holistically.

Why is the study of biological science so important?

What is science?

What is life sciences?

Life sciences refer to the study of living organisms, including biology, biochemistry, genetics, and ecology. This field explores the structure, function, growth, evolution, and distribution of living organisms. Life sciences play a crucial role in understanding biological processes, developing new technologies, and advancing medical research.

What branch of science does ichthyology fall under?

It falls under Marine Science since ichthyology is the study of fish.