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Acid rain is formed when sulphur emitted principally from coal burning power stations dissolves and reacts in rain water to form a weak solution of Sulphric Acid (H2SO4). Where the resulting rain falls on forested areas the acidic water leads to defoliation and tree death.

The problem occurs where industrialised power generation is upwind of forested areas, such as the area across the North Sea from England to the forests of Scandinavia.

In Australia the principal areas of power generation are in the coastal areas of the west, and in the more heavily populated areas of Victoria and New South Wales. In the former case, the pollutants are blown by prevailing winds into areas of very little rainfall, and disperse into the atmosphere. In the latter case, the polluting gases are blown over the Tasman Sea and South Pacific where the precipitation falls into the ocean. In both cases, the effect of acid rain is negligible on Australia.

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Q: Why isnt australia affected by acid rain?
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Is granite affected by acid rain?

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What countries are not affected by acid rain?

Countries that are not significantly affected by acid rain include countries with minimal industrial activity, such as Greenland, Monaco, and Bhutan. Additionally, countries with stringent environmental regulations and effective pollution control measures, like New Zealand and Sweden, are less impacted by acid rain.

How many acres of forests in North America have been adversely affected by acid rain?

Acid rain affects trees and forests by limiting the amounts of nutrients that they obtain from the soil. Acid rain has affected thousands of acres in the United States, mainly affecting the higher elevations of the Appalachian mountains.

How does acid rain effect stone?

Acid rain can dissolve stones.

How do insects get affected by acid rain?

the acid burns them ?

Why is acid rain not a local problem?

Acid rain isnt a local problem, it is an international problem. It is caused by the world wide nation

What is the rain that is affected by pollution and harms trees and lakes?

Commonly called: "Acid Rain."

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Does Acid Rain effect beavers?

every animal is affected by acid rain somehow so yea