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The color of puke differs on what you ate. I have seen it white, brown, green, and orange and also yellow.

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Q: Why is throw up yellow?
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How can you vomit if you do not eat anything?

you only throw up yellow fluids from you stomach

What caused you to throw up yellow liquid?

It is usually bile when it is yellow, that is becasue it is the lining of your stomach, usually when there is nothing left in your stomach after not eating enough food or being sick too much that your stomach has emptied.

What is the color of throw up?

It depends what you eat but my guess is that it is a sicky green and yellow maybe red too.

Do you have acids in your body?

Yes, you have stomach acid in your stomach. When you throw up and your stomach is empty, then you throw up this bad-tasting yellow liquid : that is stomach acid. There are also amino acids in your enzymes located in the cell. (: Hope this helped !

How do you regurgitate?

to throw up to throw up

I am sick really really sick i make my self throw up and i was wondering how can i do it in a healthy way?

Don't make yourself throw up, it ruins your stomach, and increases your chance for strep throat, and you will also get yellow, and rotted teeth. I asked a doctor about it, and health trainers.

What is yellow flu?

im guessing that you mean yellow fever... well yellow fever is were you get bit by a misquto and you get really really sick. you throw up black blood and all that icky stuff. well that's is not in the usa im pretty sure................ i think:)

Which rivers flow into the yellow river?

It flows throw the Bohai Sea.

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How do you get the yellow onion in pikmin 2?

After collecting the 2nd half of the globe treasure found in the Awakening Wood, go to the Perplexing Pool. Walk forward to find a cutscene showing the Yellow Pikmin. Then continue to walk past the Yellow Wollywog, to a set of scales. Throw all but 1 pikmin up there. Throw the last pikmin, while standing on the lower scale, on to the higher one to be lifted up. Once there, kill the Fiery Bulblax, and break down the poison gate. Walk to the pikmin and whistle to them and Yellow Pikmin are all yours.

If you throw a yellow rock in a red river what does it make?

It makes a splash

Can porcupines throw up?

pretty sure all animals can throw up