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because oxygen is needed for cellular respiration and deep waterdoesnot contain oxygen

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Q: Why is it that humans can't survive in deep water without oxygen tank?
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How can humans survive without water?

We cannot survive without water for three day

How man can survive in water without oxygen?

They can't survive without oxygen but they can survive with an oxygen mask that scuba divers use and with supply of oxygen of course .

10 water facts?

humans can survive longer without water then without food

Why can cows survive on gas but humans cant?

Cows can't survive on gas alone. Neither can humans. Both cows and humans need food and water to survive, not just oxygen (which is a gas we breathe).

How long will humans survive without the water cycle?

2 weeks

Can a plant survive without water?

A plant can survive without water, but not for very long. Humans can survive a day or two without water, but like all life, to have a long life we need water.

What does an animal need to survive?

Food, water, shelter and oxygen. It is debated when it comes to clothing and the needs of humans

What are the effects of hot water on aquatic life?

It is because the warm water has low amount of dissolved oxygen and organism can survive without oxygen.

How long can humans survive without food or water and on moraphne?

4 days or less.

What will happen if there will no water on earth?

Plants need water to survive. They also provide most lifeforms with oxygen to breathe. Without plants, most animals (humans too) would die as soon as all the oxygen in the air was gone. Without water, sealife would die as well as trees. Basicly, without water, Most all life on earth would die.

Why was availability of water important for early man?

Without water, humans and the different types of food they eat, cannot survive. An average human can only live without water for about 3 days, so if there is no water, then humans can't survive. So, aslong as humans and/or any other living thing that needs water is alive, water will always be a necessity.

Can a living component survive without non living?

No, because some of the non living components are air, water and food without humans cannot survive