Clues in the name: it's from Greece and it's golden/ yellow.
New Answer:The Golden Greek tortoise is called this name they had a very light colored shell and that a mask was evident on darker skinned specimens. They became known in the market as "Golden Greeks".yes golden tortoise bettles do have wings
what was the union of greek city states called
A Tortoise.
Yes. You can breed 2 different species of tortoise and you can breed female Greek with WC Jordanian.
there is no book called the hare and the tortoise but there is a book called the tortoise and the hare
The top is called the carapace and the bottom is called the plastron.
super tortoise !!!!!! go go power rangers something along those lines
Also called the golden ratio. See Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristole taught the golden mean philosophy.
because he was very much similiar to a tortoise.
Ancient greek women wore tunics called chitons. Women also wore sashes and golden jewelry for accessories.