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Because most Romanians kill and struggling animals and not show any interest for the nature.

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Q: Why is Romania called the land of death for animals?
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Which animal are called true land animals?

true land animals are animals that always live on land.

Animals that live on land are called?

Animals that live on land are called terrestrial animals.

Are birds land animals or water animals?

Birds are arborial or live on trees so may called land animals allthoug they also called flying animals

How do people change the land in Romania?

The soils and waters are polluted, the deforestation is accelerated, garbage are everywhere, some plants and animals have disappeared.

Is Romania's land rocky?

Yes, Romania has many mountains.

Which are land animals that have tough and dry skin?

Land animals which have tough and dry skin are called reptiles:)

What is the land mass square kilometres on Romania?

The land mass area of Romania is 231,239.27 square kilometres.

Is Romania good farm land?

Yes, Romania is good for agriculture.

Does Romania have a lot of water on its land?

Romania has rivers and lakes, but not a lot.

What do you call the animals living in land?

Not all are, but land animals that reproduce live babies, are called mammals Other land animals are also reptiles, amphibians and birds

What Animals that grow on land are called?
