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True, but we rely on other species to supply our foods. We cannot create our own food like plants can. That is why we eat plants: to get the nutrients we can't provide for ourselves.

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Q: Why humans being are not producers they made their food in kitchen?
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How do producers help humans?

They give humans like yourself food to eat.

How does producers help us?

Producers, consumers, and decomposers are three categories on the food chain. Producers help us because they supply the food that the consumers eat. (Humans are consumers.) Producers are plants. When you eat an apple, (a producer) it is producing energy and food for you so it is helping you.

Are humans producers consumers or not a part of the food chain?

because human doesn't produce his own food

Why can't humans be considered producers?

because human doesn't produce his own food

Where do you do you can cook?

the kitchen (:

Why can humans not make their own food?

Humans do make their own food. Humans are consumers which gather and prepare their own food. However, humans are not producers, or autotrophs (self-feeding), that produce complex organic compounds (such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) from simple substances.

Which according to you was a greater revolution - early humans becoming food-producers or early humans taming animals or early humans making pottery?

chamara silva

How do producers help humans and many other organisms?

Producers, such as plants, are able to convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. This energy is then transferred up the food chain to other organisms, including humans, who consume plants or plant-eating animals for sustenance. This makes producers essential in providing food and oxygen for ecosystems.

Organisms that eat food made by producers are called?

Oraganisms that eat food made by producers are called consumers. If you look on a food chain you will see this. Go on bbcbitesize. it is good.

Where do plants get nutrients and food from?

plants are producers so they under go the process of photosynthesis. being a producer is when you make and create your own food and energy. we as humans are consumers who consume plants and animals in order to gain our energy

Are humans autotrophs as they make their own food in kitchen?

No, humans are heterotrophs because they rely on consuming other organisms for energy rather than producing their own food through photosynthesis. In the kitchen, humans use raw materials, such as fruits, vegetables, and meat, to prepare meals instead of producing their own food like autotrophs.

Are humans consumers or producers?

Humans can be both consumers and producers. As consumers, we utilize goods and services to meet our needs and wants. As producers, we create goods or provide services to meet the needs and wants of others in exchange for monetary compensation.