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The same reason your mother doesn't.

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Q: Why don't these elements occur in nature?
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Did halogens frequently occur in nature as free elements?

Yes, the halogens did occur in nature as free elements.

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How many chemicals occur in nature periodic table?

About 80% of the first 117 elements occur in the nature in a stable manner.

Is actinoids all transuranium elements?

no. uranium and thorium occur in nature

two elements occur in a nature as liquid?

Only Mercury occurs in nature as a liquid in its elemental state. Bromine is also a liquid element, but does not occur in its elemental form in nature.

Why dont food chains occur often in nature?

Food chains do not occur often in nature because, many organisms do specialize in their diets.

How many elements are on the periodic table that do not occur in nature on earth?

There are variety of such elements. They have not been found on earth's surface.

How many elements shown in the periodic table do not occur in nature on earth?

118 total - 92 natural elements= 26 elements that do not naturally occur===========================

How did you get the 63 known elements?

There are a lot more than 63 known elements; we are currently up to 118.Most of these elements do occur in nature, and chemists find them in various rocks, in the atmosphere, or in other assorted places. For the elements that don't occur in nature, such as technitium, those are created by the use of particle accelerators.

What is an average of the masses of all the isotopes that occur in nature For an element?

The weighted average for all isotopes that occur in nature for an element is its atomic weight listed on the Periodic Table of the elements.

What elements occur in nature?

Elements that occur naturally in nature include hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and others. These elements make up the building blocks of all matter in the universe and are found in various compounds and substances on Earth and beyond.

In what two way can elements occur in nature?

Elements can occur in nature as pure elemental forms, such as oxygen gas in the air or gold in its metallic state. They can also combine with other elements to form compounds, such as water (H2O) or salt (NaCl).