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they grow better in warm areas less than 140 degrees but more than 40 degrees. It is also that the heat causes the germ cells to multiply, causing more germ's. When people refer to bacteria growth it is actually about the amount of bacterium in a colony rather than the actual size of an individual bacterium increasing. Bacterium reproduce asexually through binary fission. This is when they basically just make a copy of their chromosome and then split. They reproduce sexually through conjunction. This is when they attach to one another using their pili, which are short hairlike structures on the outside of the cell. Heat causes this to happen more rapidly, causing more bacteria.

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Where does bacteria grow better?


What makes bacteria grow faster?

Bacteria grow faster in warmer temperatures, with optimal growth occurring around body temperature (37°C). Additionally, providing a nutrient-rich environment and proper moisture levels can also promote faster bacterial growth.

Do Bacteria grow better during a certain time of day?

No the time has nothing to do with it. but they grow best in warm, dark places.

Where does bacteria grow?

Bacteria can grow almost anywhere that provides them with enough moisture, nutrients, and a suitable temperature. Common places where bacteria grow include soil, water, and various surfaces like countertops, skin, and within the human body. Depending on the species, bacteria can thrive in a wide range of environments, from extreme heat to cold temperatures.

What is bacteria that grow and reproduce?

All bacteria grow and reproduce

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fungi and bacteria grow from spores.

Does bacteria grow better in moist areas?

yes it grows well in damp dark places.

What pH water activity levels do bacteria grow?

pH levels vary among bacterial species. For example; acidophillic bacteria grow best at low pH. While alkalophiles grow better at alkaline (high) pH. Most bacteria grow best at high aw (>0.90). While few bacterial species such as xerophiles grow best at an aw of 0.6-0.7

What conditions are needed for viruses to grow?

There are many conditions that are required for bacteria to grow including plenty of sunlight. Bacteria also need water in order to grow.

Why is heat and sunlight bad for bottled water?

because it makes the water taste bad and it is a haven for germs and bacteria to grow

Is there bacteria in chocolate that is melted due to heat from being in a car?

Bacteria can be present in chocolate, but melting it due to heat in a car does not create new bacteria. However, if the melted chocolate is exposed to contaminants in the environment, bacteria could potentially grow. It is always best to store chocolate in a cool, dry place to prevent bacterial growth.

What pH and water activity (aw) levels do bacteria grow best?

pH levels vary among bacterial species. For example; acidophillic bacteria grow best at low pH. While alkalophiles grow better at alkaline (high) pH. Most bacteria grow best at high aw (>0.90). While few bacterial species such as xerophiles grow best at an aw of 0.6-0.7