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Q: Why do you think it is often difficult to diagnose toxicosis in an animal?
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Is polymyositis difficult to diagnose?

Often difficult to diagnose, because it is rare, because symptoms come on slowly, and because it can be mistaken for other diseases that cause muscle weakness (limb girdle muscular dystrophy).

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Mental health, because mental health issues are often "invisible" and difficult to diagnose

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Diagnosis of Leigh syndrome is often difficult due to the broad variability in clinical symptoms as well as the many different genetic explanations that cause this disease.

How is malignant lymphoma diagnosed?

they are often difficult to diagnose. There are no screening tests available, and, since the symptoms are nonspecific, lymphomas are rarely recognized in their early stages.

Why is chlamydia difficult to diagnose?

Because chlamydia can infect the testes, and because the testes rely on the body being able to tell that it shouldn't attack the sperm made there, there is concern that a vaccine could affect sperm production in men by inducing an autoimmune response. (See related link).

What are the known symptoms of prophyria?

A discoloring of the urine is one of the classic symptoms of prophyria. Other symptoms can include episodic (often severe) abdominal pain and neuropathies. Prophyria often has a constellation of symptoms that involve several systems of the body, and can therefore be difficult to diagnose.

2000 Nissan Maxima?

Is a great car. I disagree. It is mediocre at best when it comes to reliability. There are numerous ignition and electrical problems that occur in all of these and they're often very difficult to diagnose and fix. Stay away--buy a honda/toyota

Are Errors with memory often difficult to diagnose because they can appear intermittently and might be mistaken as application errors user errors or other hardware component errors?

According to my text book page 754, "guide to managing and maintaining you pc, that is true.

How do you diagnose diphtheria?

Diagnosis can often be made based on the appearance of the throat with confirmation by microbiological culture.

How often do you have to use animal shampoo?

It depends on the animal

What animal is used often for animal testing?


How did the Sioux people hunt?

The Sioux people hunted with a bow and arrow. They also used a spear. Hunting was difficult and often many men from the tribe worked together in order to get an animal.