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Because it's a nicer way to say putting to death

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Q: Why do they say put to sleep if an animal never wakes up?
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What does it do when you put your horse to sleep in the meadows in howrsecom?

When you pasture your horse overnight he wakes with replenished energy and morale.

How do you catch raquaza with an ultra ball?

Use false swipe to lower its HP to 1. Then put freeze it or put it to sleep. Chuck ultra balls and put it to sleep every time it wakes up.

Can you put an animal to sleep at home?

You can ask your vet to put your animal to sleep in your home. Many vets will oblige this wish if you can show your reasons for it and that it is best for the animal.

How do you beat duskinoir on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

put him to sleep then put him to sleep again when he wakes up keep on doing this until u have beaten all the sableye and then take him on, i know this works coz i did it and i only used bout 2 reviver seeds :) put him to sleep then put him to sleep again when he wakes up keep on doing this until u have beaten all the sableye and then take him on, i know this works coz i did it and i only used bout 2 reviver seeds :)

How do you get a bow on animal jam?

shoot it with a horse tranquilizer then put a bow on it that way when it wakes up it doesn't even know its there

How do you put your Neopets to bed?

You don't put them to bed. Who knows when they sleep (maybe never)?

Do animal rescuers put animals to sleep?

It all depends on the condition of the animal. If it is too sick or weak that it can't even be helped with medical attention, then yes they put them to sleep. If It can be helped they put them up for adoption.

How can you and your husband sleep better when he breathes heavily through his mouth...he wakes you up and then you wake him and tell him to roll over?

Put a pillow of his face. End it. End it now.

What do you do when a 3 year old wakes up at night?

Well i usually put a wet towel over its head to calm it and sing it a song it will fall fast a sleep

What does euthinized mean?

Humanely Euthanized means to put an animal to sleep. it makes a lot of people sad when their animal is put to sleep

What is it called when you put an animal down?

Its when your pet dies by a vetranarian puts a shot into the animal and it falls asleep and never wakes up (uthinize). That was the bad thing. There is another one where the animal needs surgery and needs to fall asleep to do so.

What can animal talent fairies do?

Animals talent fairies can heal animals & put them to sleep.