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Honey bees, in the wild, require a quiet, undisturbed site on which to start a hive. They also need a source of nectar and pollen within flying distance. Bee-keepers will provide the hives and, may even place the hives on moorland during the summer, so the bees have heather blossoms nearby.

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Q: Why do honey bees live where they live?
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Do honey bees live in Mexico?

Yes honey bees live in Mexico

Do honey bees live in North Carolina?

Honey bees live everywhere in the world except for the Arctic and Antarctic.

A place where bees live is a?

Honey bees live in a hive, bumble bees live in a nest.

When the compartment of honey bees is filled with honey then where do they live?

A beehive has different sections. The main part is called a brood box and that is where the bees live and raise the young bees. The other part is known as a honey 'super' and that is where the bees store the honey.

Do honey bees live in a colony?

Yes honey bee's are known to live in a colony.

What is a honey bee called?

honey bees live in hive on the tree

Which are bigger bees or honey bees?

Honey bees are a type of bee, so honey bees are not bigger than bees in general. Honey bees are a social species that live in large colonies and are known for their importance in pollination and honey production.

What type of regions do honey bees live in?

There are honey bees in most areas of the world except for the arctic and antarctic.

What habit do honey bees live in?

A hive

Why do bees live in a beehive?

to produce honey

What bees do not make honey?

Honey bees make honey. They live in colonies and store the honey to feed the larvae. Most solitary bees, such as bumble bees, make only a little of a honey-like substance which they eat themselves.

Does Honey Bees live alone?

No, honey bees are social insects that live in colonies. Each colony consists of a queen bee, worker bees, and male drones, all working together to maintain and protect the hive. Honey bees rely on their highly organized social structure to ensure the survival and success of the colony.