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9y ago

Because dogs don't have human physiology.

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Are there more humans or dogs?

There are more humans than dogs.

Are there more than 5 ribs in the humans body?

yes even more than 12

How long ago did dogs living with humans?

Dogs have lived with humans for more than 12,000 years.

Are dogs more complex than humans?

Considering senses, dogs are more complex, dogs have 6 senses, whereas humans av 5.

Do humans have the same hearing capability like cats and dogs?

no they dont cats and dogs have more capability than humans espeacily dogs

How long ago dogs begin living with humans?

Dogs and humans have lived together for more than 12,000 years

What animals are more compatible than Humans?

Husky dogs or other large dogs

Are prairie dogs going extincted?

no there are more prarie dogs alive than humans

Is thunder louder to dogs than humans?

Thunder is not louder to dogs than it is to humans, but thunder is more frightening to dogs than it is to humans, because we humans know what thunder is, and dogs don't. To a dog, thunder sounds like the barking of some ridiculously large animal, which would of course be extremely dangerous, if it actually existed.

Are dogs smarter than huminas?

no dogs are not smarter than humans, humans can think in a much smarter way than humans, No dogs are not smarter than humans at the moment but who knows maybe in the future they will be....

Is there more gerns on a dogs tongue then a human?

N. A dogs mouth is actually cleaner than a humans.

How long did dogs begin living with human?

Dogs and humans have lived together for more than 12,000 years