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Why do you go to your bed and snuggle with your blanket? If you can answer that you can answer this, for comfort, and it can depend on what she is sick with, if it's her stomach, she is probably eating grass and throwing it up b/c dogs cant digest grass, but she is most likely there because she wants to be alone and comfort, hope that helps :)

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14y ago
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10y ago

Dogs hide when they are sick in order to conceal their weakness from other animals. This behavior comes from their wild ancestors which, when ill or

injured, were vulnerable to attack from predators. If your dog is vomiting and refuses to eat, he needs to see a vet. He may have swallowed poison or have some other serious health problem.

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15y ago

Oftentimes, yes. Especially if it is in pain.

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12y ago

It is a dog's instinct to hide pain because it would be a sign of weakness in the wild.

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Q: Why do dogs bury themselves when they're sick?
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Yes, mini dogs can easily get sick if they are introduced to a brand new environment.

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Well humans don't really get sick from dogs unless the human/owner has the dog slobber in his or her mouth but some people have allergic reactions to the dog but yes people can get sick from dogs. :)

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