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Many people believe that antibiotics reduce the body's ability to fight infection on it's own.

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Q: Why do doctors only proscribe antibiotics to people when they really need them?
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How can doctors prevent further antibiotics resistance happening?

By using the antibiotics when you are really sick, not when you have a cold or something minor.

Why Do we use too much antibiotics?

Mostly because people pressure their doctors to give them something even if they don't really need medication. We live in a "I have to take a pill" sort of world nowadays.

What are the negative impacts of antibiotics?

antibiotics are really essential for treatment but some antibiotics cause side effects can be of any type it may be terotogenic which means you should not be given in pregnancy there are so many other type of allergic reactions are associated with antibiotics but it is necessary to give antibiotics

What are some intresting facts about doctors?

doctors like to kill people not really i am just kidding they do sergury to save people

What are some mistakes doctors make?

Some doctors mistake a certain problem for another. Example: Heart disease for breast cancer. They also might proscribe the wrong medication. They might hive you to much of a medication. The less experienced make the most mistakes, so do the old doctors. The beginning doctors don't know what they are doing. The old doctors might forget how to do something or have trouble seeing. It really depends. If you don't trust your doctor ask for a different one or do a background check on them to find out details about them.

Are the doctors on The Doctors actual doctors?

The doctors on The Doctors, really are doctors.

Are the doctors on The Doctor actually doctors?

Yes, they really are doctors.

How do doctors feel when they lose a patient?

probably really bad, why? did u know that random people answer these questions? they are really wrong! ha!

Is antibiotics a medicine?

There really isn't a difference between antibiotics and the term medicine. The reason being is because antibiotics are a form of medicine.

What are the release dates for The Doctors - 2008 A Doctors' Investigation What's Really in Your Food 4-109?

The Doctors - 2008 A Doctors' Investigation What's Really in Your Food 4-109 was released on: USA: 27 February 2012

What are problems with antibiotics?

antibiotics are really essential for treatment but some antibiotics cause side effects can be of any type it may be terotogenic which means you should not be given in pregnancy there are so many other type of allergic reactions are associated with antibiotics but it is necessary to give antibiotics

Can doctors come to home visit?

some doctors do. i think if your really sick they will come to you.