Because if their are animals that need homes and help you can help them..... But really most of all is because their are all kinds of animals that need help and home
Because it is home to billions of animals and humans, which are actually animals.
A backyards is a home for animals are cats, dogs, and Bunny's
Why not? My aunt has bought all her dogs from shelters. All those animals need is a home and love. Cause they didn't get that from their previous owners.
Animals do not need clothing
lions and cheetahs, cheetahs are not as tough as lions so they need their speed to help them
Try English and spelling. Maybe home economics.
they maybe dont know it a burrow or they need some things the animals have to build a home
They need Co2 from animals. Which is why we need them, for oxygen.
There are different names for homes of domestic animals. Some homes are named dog houses, stables, pens, cages, crates, and tanks.
Tigers are exotic animals and if kept captive need to be professionally. Tigers are also dangerous animals and are not suitable for any kind of pet life whatsoever.
So they can escape from the animals that are pray on them. Animals need to move to get food and get away from danger. Animals need food for energy.