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Because they want to eat them.

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Q: Why do animals hunt down chipmunks?
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What kind of animals do chipmunks like to hunt?

I don't think they hunt animals.... just nuts!

Do chipmunks hunt?

Chipmunks are primarily herbivores and do not actively hunt for prey. They mainly feed on nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects. However, they may eat small insects that they come across while foraging for food.

When do chipmunks hunt?

around spring and winter

Are chipmunks real animals or just made up for television?

Chipmunks are real animals.

Can you hunt chipmunk in pa?

No. Chipmunks are protected in Pennsylvania.

Why did Artemis hunt down people?

Artemis - though a goddess of the Hunt - did not hunt down people, she preferred animals. If a individual wronged her, however, they were punished swiftly.

Is it true that if animals live in groups they can only hunt small animals?

No, animals that live in groups, or packs, actually tend to hunt larger animals. For example lions, they hunt in groups and take down some of the largest land animals in the world.

Is it legal to be a hunter?

Only if you have an accepted licence and only hunt down certain animals that are not illegal to hunt.

Where can you hunt chimpmucks?

If you want to hunt chipmunks there is only one way. Use a spatula. This must be done in your local farmers market because that is where chipmunks lay their eggs. I hope this helps you stranger.

How do chipmunks hunt?

Chipmunks don't hunt persay, they forage for food. They are herbivores and therefore do not eat meat but instead eat nuts, berries, and certain leaves. They eat similarly to the way squirrels do.

What time does tiger go out to hunt?

they hunt at night and sometimes in the middle of the day but they also hunt down bufflo and living thing such as animals.

What do wild house cats eat?

Wild house cats (strays) will usually hunt to eat mice, birds, chipmunks, or any other small animals around the area.