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grasshopper's live in grass because they camouflage in the grass. they do that because the grasshopper's hide from there prey. :)

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Q: Why do Grasshoppers live on grass?
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Where to grasshoppers live?


Where do grasshoppers live?

they can live anywhere with grass even the rainforest

Why do grasshoppers live in the grass?

Grasshoppers live in grass because it provides them with food, shelter, and camouflage. Grass is a good source of food for them, and the blades of grass offer protection from predators as well as environmental conditions. Their green coloration also helps them blend in with the grass, providing additional camouflage.

Shelter of a Grasshoppers?

Grasshoppers live in tall grass that provides them shelter and food. Their habitats may vary from hot deserts to moist rain forests.

Do grasshoppers live in bushes?

they live and hop around in grassthey eat mostly grass and types of leaves

Where does the grasshopper mostly live?

Grasshoppers live in almost almost places where they get food. They prefer to stay away from the rain but are are found in the grass as they feed on grass.

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Is grasshoppers carnivores?

No, grasshoppers are herbivores. They primarily feed on plant material such as grass, leaves, and crops.

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Will grasshoppers eat grass?

Grasshoppers will eat grass as it is a leaf. They prefer other leafy plants like lettuce, however.

What kind of grasshoppers like better bushes or grass?

Grasshoppers eat what belongs in their name-sake: grass. Thus, they like grass better than bushes.