The animals in Animal Farm saw the bits and whips as symbols of Mr. Jones' reign, and by destroying them, they ensured that no person would ever be able to control them like that again.
Whips, spurs, harsh bits, all of which can be traced back to humans. You should know that spurs, whips, and harsh bits used correctly do not hurt horses. It is when whips, bits, and spurs are placed in abusive or unexperienced hands that the horse can be hurt. And of course, things that hurt us hurt them, like cuts, bruises, sprains, fractures, scratches, pulled tendons/muscles, etc.
no they threw them in the fire.. i found the answer
Pink sea whips belong to the phylum Cnidaria, which includes various marine animals such as corals, jellyfish, and sea anemones. Within Cnidaria, pink sea whips specifically belong to the class Anthozoa, which includes many types of sessile (non-moving) marine animals.
Humans can destroy an animals home if they have a special permit.
They destroy buildings kill animals and humans
i think it is a valcano
There is no point of whips
Unique Whips was created in 2005.
Dead animals and plants decompose when they die.
no they don't there actually there loving animals
I consider "smart as a whip" a play on words. Whips smart (hurt). But whips were once believed to make animals smarter (learning-wise). In reality, the animal's new-found intelligence was the memory of being hurt-- a powerful motivator. Whips also act fast. The pain is quick; quickly delivered and quickly ended, except what "smarts" afterward.