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Remarkably, the story of Jesus' cleansing the Temple is found in all four Gospels: Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-19; Luke 19:45-46; and John 2:13-17. Also remarkable is that in John's Gospel, this event occurs early in Jesus' ministry, unlike in the other Gospels. Luke doesn't mention any animals, only "those who were selling things." Matthew and Mark mention doves; John adds cattle and sheep. Although The Bible is full of conflicting material, this strikes me as an innocent discrepancy. It's also possible that John's account refers to a separate incident.

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Q: Why are the animals different in the cleansing of the temple in the four Gospels?
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Why was the Cleansing of the Temple so important?

A:The Cleansing of the Temple was important in the synoptic gospels because in these gospels it was the trigger for the arrest of Jesus. The author of John's Gospel chose to make the resurrection of Lazarus the trigger for the arrest of Jesus and so moved the Cleansing of the Temple to the very beginning of the mission of Jesus, as a relatively unimportant episode.

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How many times did Jesus cleanse the Temple in the New Testament?

In the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), Jesus overturned the tables and drove the moneychangers from the Temple just before his arrest and trial - in fact this was the final trigger for his arrest. In John, Jesus overturned the tables and drove the moneychangers from the Temple right at the beginning of his three-year minnistry. In all cases, the cleansing of the Temple only occurred once.

Where did Jesus clean the temple?

A:The 'Cleansing of the Temple' scene occurs right at the end of the synoptic gospels, as the trigger for the arrest of Jesus, but right at the beginning of John's Gospel. In this scene, Jesus cast out those who sold animals and overturned the tables of the moneychangers and of them that sold pigeons. For Second Temple Judaism, practised at the time of Jesus, worship of God required the sacrifice of an animal proportionate to the wealth of the supplicant and the purpose of the worship. Purchase at the Temple assured the faithful that animals were sound and healthy, as required for sacrifice to God. Purchases had to be made at a standard price, but the local currency was likely to devalue due to changes in metal content, so that a fixed price was not possible. The solution was to have moneychangers, who sold Syrian coins of fixed value, which were then used to purchase the sacrifice. All this took place in the outer courtyard of the Temple, as sanctioned by the priesthood.By the time the first gospel was written, the Temple was destroyed by the Romans, which meant that it was no longer possible to sacrifice at the Temple. Jews had to adopt new forms of worship, and perhaps the gospel author could preempt this disaster by reporting Jesus' displeasure at the sale of sacrificial animals, creating the 'Cleansing of the Temple'.

What are the release dates for Amazing Facts Presents - 2007 Cleansing the Temple 1-21?

Amazing Facts Presents - 2007 Cleansing the Temple 1-21 was released on: USA: 22 July 2007

Why is the incident at the Temple given different placement in the Gospels?

The incident at the Temple is given different placements in the Gospels because each Gospel writer had a different purpose and audience. They may have placed the event in a different order to emphasize different themes or teachings about Jesus. It does not necessarily mean the events occurred in a different sequence in reality.

When did the Cleansing of the Temple happen?

A:The synoptic gospels say that the event known as the Cleansing of the Temple, in which Jesus asserted his authority in the house of his father by driving out the money-changers and those who sold sacrifices, occurred at the very end of Jesus' mission, just before his arrest and trial. This event was portrayed as the trigger for the arrest of Jesus.The author of John's Gospel wrote a story of the resurrection of Lazarus, loosely based on a parable found in Luke's Gospel, and made this the trigger for the arrest of Jesus (John 12:10,19). The Cleansing of the Temple was no longer relevant to the arrest of Jesus and the author of John simplified his storyline by moving this event to the very beginning of the mission of Jesus.Seeing the disjunction between the synoptic account and John's account, many theologians say there were two Cleansing of the Temple episodes, but this defies logic. In the synoptic gospels, especially in Mark, Jesus went out of his way to avoid the attention of the high priest and religious authorities until he was ready, and to have created pandemonium in the Temple at the beginning of his mission would have contradicted this. Moreover, a second attack on the moneychangers would not have achieved the surprise necessary for its success, nor made a worthwhile point.

Why was the chamber of lepers in the temple?

It facilitated the leper cleansing ceremony outlined in Leviticus 14.

What has the author Lynn Allan Losie written?

Lynn Allan Losie has written: 'The cleansing of the temple'

What commemorates the cleansing of the temple by the maccabees?

Hanukkah commemorates the cleansing and rededication of the Jewish temple by the Maccabees after they defeated the Greeks. The eight-day festival is marked by lighting candles on a menorah, eating traditional foods like latkes and sufganiyot, and playing dreidel.

Why Did Jesus Clear The Temple?

A:All the gospels agree that Jesus cleansed the Temple, overturning the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who sold doves, because they had made the house of his father a den of thieves. The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) place this event at the very end of his ministry as the trigger for the arrrest of Jesus. John's Gospel uses the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus as the trigger for the arrest of Jesus, and so moves the cleansing of the Temple to the beginning of the mission of Jesus.

What was the turning point after Jesus arrived in Jerusalem?

A:The synoptic gospels give the 'Cleansing of the Temple' as the turning point after Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, and as final trigger for the arrest of Jesus. For theological reasons, the author of John wanted to make the resurrection of Lazarus the final trigger. He therefore moved the Cleansing of the Temple out of the way, to the beginning of his story, almost immediately after Jesus met John the Baptist. In John 12:19, the turning point is identified: "The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world is gone after him.")