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They aren't. Their fur is chocolate brown and their bills and the unfurred parts of their extremities are black.

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Q: Why are platypuses blue?
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Related questions

Can platypuses be blue?

No. Platypuses are never blue. Their fur is chocolate brown to grey above, and pinkish brown underneath.

Does America have platypuses?

No. America does not have platypuses. Platypuses are endemic to eastern Australia.

Why are platypus blue?

Platypuses are not blue. The colour of a platypus's fur is dark brown over most of its body, with a grey undercoat. Its belly is gold-coloured or silky grey.

How do you spell platypuses?

Platypuses is the correct spelling.

Are PLATYPUSES born alive?

Are PLATYPUSES born alive?

How were platypuses invented?

Platypuses were not invented. They were discovered by someone.

Where do platypuses come from?

Platypuses are found only in Australia.

Do platypuses have hair or fur?

Platypuses have dense fur.

When do platypuses come out?

Platypuses are nocturnal. They come out at night.

Are platypuses herbivores or omnivores?

Platypuses are considered carnivores.

Do platypuses get lonely?

No. By nature, platypuses are solitary animals.

Are platypuses from America?

Not at all. Platypuses are endemic to Australiaalone.