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Q: Why are brown aglae important to humans?
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Do birds eat aglae?

flamingos do.

How are multicellular aglae important at a global level?

Multicellular algae is crucial to the atmosphere, as it actually produces the greatest percentage of oxygen in our atmosphere, compared to other photosynthetic organisms.

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What is a chimpanzee's eyecolor?

Chimpanzees have brown eyes. It is important to note that the most common human eye color is brown. Since Chimps and humans are genetically related, our common ancestor no doubt had brown eyes as well.

What are the enemies of a brown bear?

Mainly humans and other brown bears. Brown bears of Eurasia would also have the Siberian tiger to contend with.

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humans and eagles

what is a plane figure made up of sides joined by endpoints?

You may be fishing for "polygon", but I thinksomething in your description has gang aglae.

What does the starfish do in the winter time?

A starfish is a omivore so it eats fish ,oysters, sea urchin, aglae, clams and coral

What is the brown bears predator?

humans cuz we kill them