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Even though fire grows and uses oxygen, it is not considered a life form because it is missing some key elements. Fire has neither DNA or RNA, and it doesn't contain any cells. Fire also lacks metabolism and the ability to reproduce.

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Q: Why Fire is not considered life even though it grows and uses oxygen?
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Does fire grows?

Fire grows when oxygen (air) gets blown onto it.

If fire is considered alive then why are flowers considered alive?

fire is considered alive because it needs oxygen to burn. flowers are alive because it needs heat for energy to create more cells, CO2 because they need it to produce necessary sugars. and it grows... of course

What grows when fed and dies when watered?

A fire grows when fed and dies when watered.

What is an example of how fire grows and what happens?

When fire ignites near combustible materials, it grows by consuming the available fuel and oxygen in its environment. As the flames spread, they release heat, which preheats nearby combustibles and helps the fire to grow. If the fire is not controlled, it can continue to spread, causing more damage and consuming more resources.

Why does forest fire occur even though in a cold place?

All fire needs to continue burning is oxygen and fuel

Is pure oxygen explosive?

No. Oxygen itself is not flammable, but it is necessary for fire. Fire is a chemical reaction between oxygen and a flammable substance. Fire is possible on Earth because ordinary air is 21% oxygen. Pure oxygen is considered a fire hazard because higher concentrations of oxygen will make it easier for a fire to ignite and will allow it to burn hotter and faster than normal.

Why water subside fire though it has oxygen?

Water will subside fire because the oxygen in it is bonded to hydrogen and cannot burn. However, you should not put water on a gas fire or other burning liquid because it will only spread the liquid and the fire.

How does a fire grow and what happens?

Fire is a very simple term. Contrary to what people tell you, although it is NOT a living thing, it does grow and develop. Fire needs three things to burn: Fuel (like wood, paper, oil, etc), Heat, and Oxygen. Take away one of those things and the fire will be put out. But if you add those things or the level remains the same, the fire may grow larger and hotter, and it will be harder to put out. As the fire develops (there are three stages to a fire burning but we don't need to get in to those), more and more fuel and oxygen will be taken until there is nothing left.

What grows when it eats but dies when it drinks?


What Percentage of oxygen to have fire?

In order for a fire to occur, the oxygen concentration needs to be at least 16%. The ideal range for combustion is between 16% and 21% oxygen in the air. Below 16%, the environment is considered oxygen-deficient, making it difficult for fires to ignite or sustain combustion.

How would you explain the fact that fire is not considered life even though it grows and uses oxygen?

Fire is a chemical reaction that releases heat and light. While it may grow and consume oxygen, it lacks key characteristics of living organisms such as cells, metabolism, growth, and reproduction. As a result, fire is classified as a chemical phenomenon rather than a living entity.

Why is fire considered an example of oxidation?

Fire is considered an example of oxidation because it involves a chemical reaction where a substance combines with oxygen, releasing heat and light. In the case of fire, the substance undergoing oxidation is typically a fuel, such as wood or gas, which reacts with oxygen from the air to produce heat, light, and new chemical compounds. This process is known as combustion.