What has the author Madelon Green Mottet written?
Madelon Green Mottet has written:
'Factors leading to the success of Japanese aquaculture, with an
emphasis on northern Japan' -- subject(s): Aquaculture
'A review of the fishery biology and culture of scallops' --
subject(s): Scallop culture, Scallop fisheries, Scallops
'A review of the fishery biology of scallops' -- subject(s):
Scallop culture, Scallop fisheries, Scallops
'A review of the fishery biology of abalones' -- subject(s):
Abalone culture, Abalone fisheries, Abalones
'The fishery biology and market preparation of sea cucumbers' --
subject(s): Holothurians
'Enhancement of the marine environment for fisheries and
aquaculture in Japan' -- subject(s): Aquaculture, Artificial reefs,
Fish habitat improvement, Fish-culture, Fishery management,
'Research problems concerning the culture of clam spat and seed'
-- subject(s): Clam culture, Clams, Larvae