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There are several reasons why your dog's hair may not be growing back, including underlying health issues, skin infections, or poor nutrition. To help facilitate the regrowth process, consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and develop a treatment plan. This may include addressing any health issues, improving your dog's diet, and using specialized shampoos or supplements to promote hair growth.

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Q: Why isn't my dog's hair growing back and what can I do to help facilitate the regrowth process?
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Why won't my dog's hair grow back and what can I do to help facilitate the regrowth process?

There are several reasons why a dog's hair may not grow back, including underlying health issues, genetics, or skin damage. To help facilitate the regrowth process, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and develop a treatment plan. This may include addressing any health issues, providing a balanced diet, using specialized shampoos or supplements, and ensuring proper grooming and care for your dog's coat.

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Process of cutting back?

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Why won't my dog's hair grow back after being shaved?

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If some arm hair was burned or cut off what controls the regrowth so that it grows back to the same length as the rest of the hair on the arm?

Regrowth of arm hair is controlled by the hair follicles present in the skin. The follicles regulate the growth cycle of the hair, which includes phases of growth, rest, and shedding. After hair is burned or cut off, the follicle will initiate a new growth cycle, leading to regrowth of the hair to match the length of the surrounding hairs on the arm.