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Bearded dragons wave as a form of communication or to show submission. It is a natural behavior that they use to interact with their owners or other bearded dragons.

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Q: Why is my bearded dragon waving at me?
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Why is your male bearded dragon shaking his head up and down to your female bearded dragon and why is your female bearded dragon waving back to your male bearded dragon?

Because their getting comfortable before they feel they can mate, they mght ater mating to kill akwardness{THEIR HORNY} The male doing the head bobbing is showing that he is the dominant one and the female doing the arm waving is showing she is the submissive one. Sometimes these rolls are reversed as well.

Can bearded dragons understand commands?

It depends what you mean by 'like a bearded dragon' Depending on the circumstances, Bearded Dragons communicate with their peers by head-bobbing, and arm waving. If you mean can a human communicate with a bearded dragon, then the answer is no !

Why does your bearded dragon wave to the new bearded dragon?

it's a sign of submission! they are saying "hello i am a friendly dragon! please don't eat me!" :) hope this helps! Waving is also part of the build up to mating, during this time (along with other behaviours) the male will nod at the female who will wave in return.

What is smarter a tree frog or a bearded dragon?

a bearded dragon

Your bearded dragon keeps waving?

There are 2 types of bearded dragons. Submissive dragons and dominant dragons. When your BD waves it's arm it's being submissive. When it bobs it's head up and down it's being dominant.

Is the bearded dragon native to California?

No it is not ! The Bearded dragon is a native reptile of Australia.

When was Eastern bearded dragon created?

Eastern bearded dragon was created in 1829.

When was Central Bearded Dragon created?

Central Bearded Dragon was created in 1926.

Is a juvenile bearded dragon a normal bearded dragon?

yeah its a normal bearded dragon it just means its like a teenager not a baby not a adult x

Which lizard is best for a beginner reptile owner chameleon or bearded dragon?

Bearded dragon.

Bearded dragon lizard?

Yes a bearded dragon is a lizard.

What is the order name for a bearded dragon?

The full breakdown of the groups for a Bearded Dragon are :-Domain:EukaryotaKingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:ReptiliaOrder:SquamataSuborder:LacertiliaFamily:AgamidaeSubfamily:AgaminaeGenus:Pogona