Yes, since humans can get sick from drinking it, then dogs can too.
i got 2 dogs they dont move their tales when they are sick well it depends on the breed i got bulldogs just all i no is there tales dont move and i use to have one that died beause sick its tale would not move like when she was little
No. humans cant get sick from dogs and daogs cant get sick from humans.
Yes dogs can in fact sneeze. They do and it is kind of funny when they do , but don't worry your dog doesn't get sick by a simple sneeze just like humans.
horses dont get sick that easily as some humans but when they do horses dont stay sick for very long as us humans tend to do.
Yes when a dog throws up the dog is sick like humans because when we throw up were sick. You can also tell if a dog is sick by feeling their noses, if it's dry they're sick.
Well humans don't really get sick from dogs unless the human/owner has the dog slobber in his or her mouth but some people have allergic reactions to the dog but yes people can get sick from dogs. :)
yes, damned humans eat dogs in third world countrys, it makes me sick, it goes on in china, africa and places like that, its illeagal in america yay!
they are just like dogs and are sick and act like they are fine afterwards
Believe it or not, humans can get their dogs sick with any type of flu. Including whooping cough. It's best not to keep the dog around the sick person.
No. Not at all. Since it isn't even good for humans I imagine it's awful for dogs. The marshmallows may make it sick, but a few of the oat-like things will be okay.
I assume you mean can one dog get another dog sick. Absolutely, depending on the disease. Can a sick human get you sick? Why would animals be any different? Humans are animals after all. If you don't know this basic information perhaps you should not own dogs.