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Your dog may be arching his back due to discomfort or pain, such as a spinal issue or muscle strain. It is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

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Q: Why does my dog keep arching his back?
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Why does my dog keep arching its back?

Your dog may be arching its back due to discomfort or pain, such as a spinal issue or muscle strain. It is important to observe your dog's behavior and consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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it does put more pressure on your back. wear a belt, that will help. but arching your back will improve your bench, and will make the distance of the lift shorter. take my word for it, last year i benched 224, then i arched my back, and i got 240

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When was Keep the Dog created?

Keep the Dog was created in 1989.

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Why does your dog keep getting wet or greasy head and back?

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