There could be several reasons why your cat is not cuddling with you anymore. Cats are independent animals and their behavior can change for various reasons, such as stress, illness, or changes in their environment. It's important to observe your cat's behavior and consult with a veterinarian if you are concerned about their well-being.
If you mean hypoallergenic, then the Sphinx is a good cat.
Get 13 sims, spare 100.000 solemeons, build pet store, get a cat and then.tap on cuddle :-)
Yes. You will not transmit the same to your cat.
PLSSSSSS ANSWER THIS I need to cuddle him
you could get a cat as fury as my sisters cat which is a tabby cat as fury as a soft polar bear
a bunny
I know my cat dose or I just lift up my blanket and he crawls under.
Cuddle with them, spend more time with them, get another cat, get another pet well suited to live with the cat in question, etc.
You can encourage your cat to cuddle with you by creating a cozy and inviting space for them, using gentle and inviting body language, and offering treats or toys to associate cuddling with positive experiences. Make sure to respect your cat's boundaries and not force them into cuddling if they are not comfortable.
when you pet a cat it feels ,with most cats, furry and soft. It also makes you want to cuddle it!
Allergies are unique to the individual, but I have a short haired cat that I am allergic to and cannot cuddle. And I have a long haired cat that I can cuddle without any allergy Also you could be just allergic to the fleas or flea dirt on the cat. --- The best breeds you can get if you are allergic are Sphinx (a hairless breed) and Rex cats (Short, curly coated breeds).
Chuncky LipsMeatloofCuddle Cuddle Sniff Sniff Something cute like Snickers or Twinkie.