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Dogs put their head on another dog's neck as a sign of dominance or affection. It can also be a way for them to show trust and seek comfort from the other dog.

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Q: Why does a dog put its head on another dog's neck?
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Why do dogs put their head on another dog's neck?

Dogs put their head on another dog's neck as a sign of dominance or affection. It can also be a way for them to show submission or seek comfort and security from the other dog.

Why do dogs turn there head when thay hear another dog bark?

to say why are you barking

What does it mean when a dog puts his chin on another dog's neck?

When a dog puts his chin on another dog's neck, it is a sign of dominance or control. It is a way for the dog to assert its authority over the other dog.

What does it mean when a dog keeps barging or walking into another dog. Is this him dominating the other male?

yes. A dog will walk up perpendicular to another dog and put his head over the other dogs back. This is one sign of dominance.

Why does a dog push down another dog by the neck?

There could be numerous answers depending on the situation. If the dogs are just newly meeting the more dominate dog is trying to tell the other that this is his territorry and he should stay away... If the dogs are from the same household they're fighting for dominance in the 'pack'

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Razor edge dogs came from game dogs but today they are concidered bullies and they look as such. When a dog looks like that, I know for fact that the dog is not game. In a dog has a oversized head for a pitbull that is clue that it is not game. If the paws are shorter that a real pitbull is another clue a dog is not game.

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A dog woman

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Usually by another dog

What do you do if your dog is bleeding sort of internally on the head and neck?

Take it to the Vet immediately.

What anatomical direction is a dogs tail to its neck?

The dog's tail is caudal to the dog's neck. Caudal and cranial are descriptors for direction, similar to "Canada is north of the United States". Cranial is towards the head; caudal is towards the tail/rear.

Where can you get a cone for your dogs head?

the vets will supply one for your dog

How do you do an origami dogs head?

print out a picture of a dog and stick it on.