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A cat tucks its tail between its legs when scared or threatened as a way to protect itself and signal submission. This behavior helps the cat appear smaller and less threatening to potential threats.

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Q: Why does a cat tuck its tail between its legs when feeling scared or threatened?
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What does it mean when a kitten puts its tail between its legs?

It may just be playing around, but I'm not exactly sure.

What is wrong with my pitbull he is holding his tail between his legs?

He is obviously scared. When a dog holds a tail behind its legs then it is scared.

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Red pandas usually move around on all fours unless they're feeling threatened. When they are feeling threatened they stand up on their hind legs and let out screeches and hissing sounds.

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tarantulas hiss when they feel threatened, and usually put their front legs in the air while they do it. This is to make themselves look larger so that they do not get eaten by whatever scared them.

Why does dog walk aroung with tail between legs he is also not fixed?

Because hes scared

Your dog has its tail between her legs ever since you brought your other dog home from an operation is this because she is scared?

Yes, it is scared that he will have an operation too.

Why do gerbils beat their feet on the floor the gerbils beat out a distinctive rhythm to each other with their feet why is this?

they might like each other!! It's part of how they communicate. Gerbils thump their legs when they are feeling threatened, scared, annoyed or being territorial. They also do it to warn other gerbils of food, predators or to tell them to go away. I have also find that they do it when excited because when I bring apple of toilet roll (their favourite things) they thump their legs out of excitement. Basically it is to show any extreme emotions they may be feeling to each other and you.

Why is your puppy keeping his tail down its usually up?

They usually keep them between their legs when they're depressed or scared.

Do beagles put their tails between there legs when they are scared?

yes. all dogs do this is perfectly normal DO NOT DISCOURAGE THIS ACTION

Why the dogs move the tail?

to show how they feel. if its tucked in between its legs then its scared or unhappy. if its wagging then its exited or pleased.

What does a dog with its tail?

Well they use it to wag it back and forth. Also dogs use their tail to show the people arround them how they are feeling. If the tail is wagging in a quick motion back and forth the dog is happy. When the dogs tail is between their legs it means they are scared or afraid.