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Neon tetras school together in groups for protection from predators, to find food more easily, and to communicate with each other.

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Q: Why do neon tetras school together in groups?
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Do neon tetras and catfish live together well?

Yes,Neon tetras and catfish live together well.

How many neon tetras should be kept together in a school for optimal health and well-being?

Neon tetras should be kept in a school of at least six individuals for optimal health and well-being.

Are neon tetras schooling fish?

Yes, neon tetras are schooling fish, meaning they prefer to swim in groups of their own kind for safety and social interaction.

How many neon tetras make a good school?

I have about 12 in a 70 litre tank and they seem very happy together

How many neon tetras should be in a school to ensure their well-being and social behavior?

Neon tetras should be kept in a school of at least six individuals to ensure their well-being and social behavior.

Can neon tetras and bettas be kept together in the same aquarium?

Neon tetras and bettas should not be kept together in the same aquarium. Bettas are aggressive fish that may attack and harm the smaller and more peaceful neon tetras. It is best to keep them in separate tanks to ensure the well-being of both species.

Will one cardinal tetra school with neon tetras?

Yes I'm fairly certain. I have 1cardinal and 4 neons and they all swim together...

Do neon tetras have long tails?

No, neon tetras have very short tails.

What fish is the brightest?

Neon tetras (HAS TO BE IN A SCHOOL GROUP) or sword tail

What are the ideal tank conditions for a neon tetra that does not require them to school?

Neon tetras thrive in a tank with a temperature between 72-78F, pH level of 6-7, and soft to slightly hard water. They prefer a well-planted tank with hiding spots and gentle filtration. While neon tetras are social fish that usually prefer to school, they can also do well in smaller groups of 6 or more.

Can you keep Betta fish with Neon Tetra fish?

You can put at least 5 neon tetras with Betta's because neon tetras need to be in a school. If you only put 1-3 neon tetras, then they will probably be eaten by the Betta because you won't have enough neon tetras to be in a school. The purpose for a school is to protect themselves from predators with a group and if you only have 1-3 neon tetras, then they will hide and get really stressed out. So, get at least 5 neon tetras and another important thing is, get a big enough tank for your Betta and neon tetra. That is, because, as you know, Betta fish are territorial and need their own territory and if the neon tetras enter their territory (if the tank is small), then the Betta will probably attack (that is only if you don't have enough neon tetras and not a big enough tank). So, it is important to get at least a 10- 15 gallon tank and get at least 5 neon tetras for 1 Betta fish. 1-3 neon tetras won't work. They will not be in a school and will be stressed out and hide from the Betta. A thing about neon tetras that is interesting and is cool is that, neon tetras bury their eggs in the gravel (Make sure to only have gravel!) if their eggs are not going to hatch. Also eat them.~Thank you, and good luck!~

What fish can you keep with angelfish and neon tetra?

angel fish can eat neon tetras is the simple answer, but i have angel fish and neon tetras in the same tank and the angel fish does not bother the neons, although this may be because the angel fish is not full grown yet so it is a 50% chance