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There are several possible reasons why your fish may be disappearing from your aquarium. Some common reasons include inadequate tank conditions, such as poor water quality or temperature fluctuations, aggressive tank mates that may be attacking or eating the fish, or potential escape routes in the tank that the fish are using to get out. It is important to assess these factors and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the safety and well-being of your fish.

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Q: Why do my fish keep disappearing from my aquarium?
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Why are my fish disappearing from my aquarium?

There are several possible reasons why your fish may be disappearing from your aquarium. Some common reasons include inadequate water quality, overfeeding, aggressive tank mates, or potential predators like other fish or invertebrates. It is important to regularly monitor and maintain the conditions in your aquarium to ensure the health and safety of your fish.

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What degree should water be in a fish tank?

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