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Dogs have moles with whiskers to help them sense their surroundings and navigate their environment. Whiskers, also known as vibrissae, are sensitive to touch and vibrations, providing dogs with important information about objects and obstacles in their path.

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Q: Why do dogs have moles with whiskers?
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Do dogs have whiskies?

Dogs do have whiskers

Where do dogs have whiskers located on their bodies?

Dogs have whiskers located on their muzzle, above their eyes, and on their chin.

How cats and dogs look different?

cats and dogs look different cause cats have long whiskers and dogs have short whiskers.

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Yes, squirrels do have whiskers, but they are very fine.

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Why do dogs have whiskers on their legs?

Dogs do not have whiskers on their legs, just their fur. Sometimes when the fur on their legs is thick and long, it is called "feathers". The only whiskers a dog has is on its muzzle and sides of the face.

Do dog whiskers grow?

Yes, dogs grow whiskers. They get them when they are born.

What is the real name of a dogs whiskers?

Vibrissae (singular: vibrissa), or whiskers, are specialized hairs.

Is it good for your brother to be plucking out your dogs whiskers?

No, it is not good for your brother to pluck out your dog's whiskers.

Do show dogs have their whiskers cut?

Yes, they do.