Chihuahuas may cry at night due to separation anxiety, feeling cold, needing to go outside, or seeking attention. It is important to address the underlying cause to help them feel more comfortable and secure.
I Cry at Night was created in 1978-01.
yes new born cry all night. They cry if they are uncomfortable. Vaccines cause them to be uncomfortable
A Cry in the Night - song - was created on 1989-06-08.
I Cry Myself to Sleep at Night was created in 1988.
A Cry in the Night - 1915 is rated/received certificates of: UK:A
A Cry in the Night - 1914 was released on: USA: May 1914
A Cry in the Night - 1912 was released on: USA: 25 May 1912
The cast of Night Cry - 2012 includes: Jan Milewicz as Young Man
Crying at night has no effect on the love, or lack of it, from your boyfriend. Though if he is with you and you constantly cry each night it is more likely to estrange him than endear him.
A Cry in the Night - 1992 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA USA:PG-13
Some Children cry because they need a bottle or because their diaper are wet. Other baby's cry because they are scared in the darkens or have just woken up from a bad night mare.