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all Imams can talk and understand animals.

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Q: Who was the first imam that he can talk with animal?
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Do all imam have to be mulslim?

Yes, in order to become an imam in the first place you have to be Muslim

How do you talk to an animal?

no but they can talk to other animal!!!

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first his wife Khadija (PBUH) then Imam Ali (PBUH) then Abu Talib (the father of Imam Ali)

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Hazrat Imam Ali

What is the relation of imam jaffer sidique with hazrat imam hassan and hazrat imam hussain?

Imam Sadiq S.A. is son of Imam Baqir S.A. Imam Baqir S.A. is son of Imam Sajjad S.A Imam Sajjad S.A is son of Imam Hussain S.A. Imam Hussain S.A. and Imam Hasan S.A. are children of Imam Ali S.A.

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The first Banu Hashim member martyred at the Battle of Karbala was Abu Bakr ibn Ali, the son of Imam Ali and brother of Imam Hussain. He was killed while trying to bring water to the camp of Imam Hussain on the day of Ashura.

When was Animal Nocturno - talk show - created?

Animal Nocturno - talk show - was created in 2007.

What is the prayer leader in a mosque?

In English you call him: leader of the mosque. But in Arabic you call him: Imam ul-masjid. However, most people just call him : Imam.

What is the duration of Animal Nocturno talk show?

The duration of Animal Nocturno - talk show - is 2 hours.

Who is the most important imam in the world?

The importance of an imam can vary depending on context and beliefs. Some widely recognized influential imams include Imam al-Ghazali, Imam Malik, Imam Bukhari, and Imam al-Shafi'i. Ultimately, the significance of an imam is subjective and can differ among different Islamic communities.

What is the son name of imam ali?

Imam Hasan S.A. and Imam Hussain S.A.

What a homophone when you talk to someone for the first time?

One homophone for "talk to someone for the first time" is "meat someone for the first time." This play on words uses "meat" (flesh of an animal) instead of "meet" (encounter someone for the first time).