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St Hilda lived in Whutby Abbey, as did one of England's first poets called Caedmon

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Q: Who lived in the whitby abbey?
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What museums are there in whitby?

The Pannett Park Museum in Whitby's Pannet Park The Captain Cook Memorial Museum, on Grape Lane (in the house he lived inn as an aprentice) Whitby Abbey Visitors Centre, at Whitby Abbey The Whitby Wizard, an interactive science centre

When did Whitby Abbey end?

Whitby Abbey ended in 1540.

Who found Whitby abbey?

Anglo-saxon king of northumbria found the Whitby abbey :)

How many steps up to Whitby abbey?

There are 199 steps up to Whitby Abbey.

How long has whitby abbey been standing?

the whitby abbey is 1500 years old today :) by chloe Jane Henry

What is whitby abbey made of?

Local stone.

How old is the whitby abbey?

The Whitby Abbey is in fact at least 2000 years old as some people know but if you want to listen to others who say it is 1500 well they are wrong because I have a book which in fact tells you all about Whitby Abbey xx ;DD

What connection does Dracula have to whitby?

Bram Stoker, the author of "Dracula," visited Whitby in England in 1890. He found inspiration for certain settings in the novel, such as the abbey ruins on the clifftop and the town's cemetery. Whitby is also where Dracula first arrives in England in the story.

When was the whitby abbey destoryed by vikings?

867 AD

Who found whitby?

Anglo-saxon king of northumbria found the Whitby abbey :)

What happened at the synod of whitby?

One of the things that was decided at the Synod of Whitby was the date for Easter.

Why was dragula associated with whitby abbay?

Dracula is associated with Whitby Abbey, because Bram Stoker, who wrote Dracula holidayed in Whitby. It is thought he took part of his inspiration from the book from Whitby's spectacular scenery.