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Q: Who is the solitary boy left at school?
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Who is Scrooge referring to when he says Poor boy! upon seeing the solitary child left at school over the Christmas holiday.?

Its his lonely self

Who does Scrooge call a poor boy?

Scrooge calls Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit's son, a poor boy in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens.

Why do Scrooges dislike Christmas?

He remembers the loneliness he suffered each Christmas left as a solitary student in his boarding school when all others were at home with family

Are stingrays solitary?

Stingrays are usually solitary creatures. Though sometimes they will swim in the groups. A group of stingrays is called a school.

What is a sentence with the word solitary?

He was sentence to solitary confinement.There is one solitary male Northern White Rhino left in the world.The solitary monk was unaware that the world had advanced around him.He lives a life of solitary.

What part of speech is the word is solitary?

It is an adjective. It can be used as a noun, as in "He was in solitary", but the full version of that is "He was in solitary confinement". So the noun is being left out as the sentence is abbreviated, turning the adjective into a noun.

Are stingrays solitary animals?

Stingrays are generally solitary animals, although they may gather in groups during specific times for feeding or breeding. They typically prefer to live and feed alone, hiding in the sand or among rocks during the day and foraging for food at night.

Does a guy like you if he sends you notes that say I love you?

this boy asked me "do you like me i said not but secretly i do cant you tell me if he likes me he lso left school for some reason i miss him this boy asked me "do you like me i said not but secretly i do cant you tell me if he likes me he lso left school for some reason i miss him this boy asked me "do you like me i said not but secretly i do cant you tell me if he likes me he lso left school for some reason i miss him yes who would lie

Did Scrooge have any friends at school?

No, Scrooge did not have any friends at school. He was described as a solitary and lonely child who focused on his studies and work rather than forming friendships.

How could you use 'solitary' in a sentence?

The lonely boy remained solitary and was isolated from the play group.

Why do animals in solitary?

Animals may be solitary to avoid competition for resources, reduce the risk of predation, or to secure a territory for breeding. Some species have evolved to be solitary as a survival strategy that maximizes their chances of reproduction and passing on their genes.

Is it okay for a girl to date a boy that is younger and the girl is 16 and left school and the boy is 15 coming up on 16 and still at school?

A girl can date whoever she wants to, age doesn't matter. On the other hand, what does that have to do with said girl having left school? She shouldn't have!why shouldn't of the girl left school though she is the right age? and what if she has herself a well paid well knowen job?Because how often do people who left school early and get a 'well paid well knowen job'? Rarely, and if the person losses this job or moves, how do they expect to get another good job?