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warm blooded because cold blooded are mean animals and there harder to teach

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Q: Who is the best homeostatic control warm blooded or cold blooded animals?
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Animals whose body temperature changes with their environment?

They are called cold-blooded animals. Mammals are not cold-blooded. The best examples of a cold-blooded animal are lizards. That is why they bask in the sun, so that they can soak up enough heat to keep them alive.

Homeostatic Mechanism of the Body?

Homeostasis is the body's ability to regulate internal conditions, such as temperature, pH, and blood glucose levels, to maintain a stable and balanced state. This is achieved through feedback mechanisms that involve sensors, control systems, and effectors working together to detect and correct deviations from the set point. If the body temperature rises, for example, the body will respond by sweating to lower the temperature back to the normal range.

How do you control some harmful animals?

Controlling harmful animals is difficult as they are typically wild and rely on their natural animal instincts to survive. The best kind of control is one that you have over the animal that will keep yourself safe. Animal control has devices that they can use to keep a safe distance and maintain control over the animal.

How is an animal best classified?

An animal is best classified by its characteristics. Some are as follows: -Method of Reproduction -Vertebrates or Invertebrates (whether they have backbones) -Cold blooded or warm blooded -Mode of breathing

Is a worm cold blooded?

worm are cold blooded the don't move to plans to plan and back. they have to move with slime, to move. they have tiny moth to eat the earth. they can response by one mate or two mates the female and male mate. the worm was the best of the worm make the trees groe the best in the wild

Describe 2 homeostatic mechanisms that would come into play during or after finishing with exercise?

i think the only homeostatic mechanism which works at it's best during exercise is the osmotic mechanism of the kidneys we lose water as sweat during exercise and hence kidneys have to work to retain the water in our body.

What do you call a person who does pest control?

Here in Ontario Canada, I call the pest control person Dave, The Critter Guy. Dave, from the critter guy, is the best when it comes to wild animals and pest control. He can also answer any questions you have about wild animals and pests especially raccoons, bats, squirrels, and skunks.

What perks go best with the FAL?

steady aim, cold blooded, scavenger

Why were sauropods cold-blooded?

They were not. As first shown by world-famous paleontologist Robert Bakker, Dinosaurs were warmblooded. The rapid evolutionary patterns in dinosaurs, as well as their life span, exctinction, and niches in ecosystems all point to their being warmblooded, whereas there is absolutely NO evidence to support their cold-bloodedness. It is simply mamalian bias, stemmed from a massive superiority complex that humanity is the best animal ever, and thus mamals are better than all other forms of life. The evolutionary trends in a warm blooded animal are to have a rapid diversification of species. The trends in cold blooded animals are to evolve very, very slowly. For example, Crocodiles and turtles haven't changed much in tens of millions of years. Dinosaurs, obviously, follow the warm blooded pattern. Warm blooded animals have very short lives. Most mamals have lifespans averaging 30 years or less. Humans have inreased this by using medicine to increase lifespans, but the natural lifespan of a human is about 40 years. Cold blooded animals, like tortises and crocodiles, live far longer. The natural lifespan of the Galapagos Tortise exceeeds even the improved lifespan of humanity, generally living for 100+ years. Dinosaurs seem to have had shorter lifespans, in coherency with their warm-bloodedness. As everyone knows, dinosaurs are extinct. Many people have wondered why all of the dinosaurs died out during the mass extinction at the end of the Crectatious (spelled wrong, I know), but almost no crocodiles, turtles, or other reptiles died out. This is because dinosaurs were warm blooded. Warm blooded animals, history shows, are always harder hit by extinction events, and more likely to go extinct, than cold blooded ones. Warm blooded animals need to consume large amounts of food to sustain their higher metabolisms, and so cannot survive as long in adverse conditions as cold blooded animals. The dinosaurs, because they were warm blooded, could not hibernate, scrape along, or otherwise weather out the extinction event and so died out, whereas the crocodiles and turtles merely went to sleep for a few months, surviving because of their low, cold blooded, metabolism. Lastly, the roles of large land predator and large land herbavore, as well as all other dominant roles in the food web, were held, during their time, by dinosaurs. Cold blooded animals, because they are slow and cannot sustain long periods of activity, fulfill the roles of small and, occasionally, medium predator, and small herbavore. Because warm blooded animals can sustain higher levels of activity, and stay active for longer periods of time, they tend to dominate the large predator and herbavore roles. Dinosaurs dominated these roles completely and so they are obviously warm blooded. Dinosaurs, as shown above, were warm blooded. All evidence points to this, and there is no evidence that dinosaurs were cold blooded.

What do Dee bits do for your horse?

D-ring bits are bits with a ring shaped like the letter D. They help you to better control a speedy or high-spirited horse. They are the snaffle bit that works best for hot-blooded horses.

Were dinosaurs coldblooded?

They were not. As first shown by world-famous paleontologist Robert Bakker, Dinosaurs were warmblooded. The rapid evolutionary patterns in dinosaurs, as well as their life span, exctinction, and niches in ecosystems all point to their being warmblooded, whereas there is absolutely NO evidence to support their cold-bloodedness. It is simply mamalian bias, stemmed from a massive superiority complex that humanity is the best animal ever, and thus mamals are better than all other forms of life. The evolutionary trends in a warm blooded animal are to have a rapid diversification of species. The trends in cold blooded animals are to evolve very, very slowly. For example, Crocodiles and turtles haven't changed much in tens of millions of years. Dinosaurs, obviously, follow the warm blooded pattern. Warm blooded animals have very short lives. Most mamals have lifespans averaging 30 years or less. Humans have inreased this by using medicine to increase lifespans, but the natural lifespan of a human is about 40 years. Cold blooded animals, like tortises and crocodiles, live far longer. The natural lifespan of the Galapagos Tortise exceeeds even the improved lifespan of humanity, generally living for 100+ years. Dinosaurs seem to have had shorter lifespans, in coherency with their warm-bloodedness. As everyone knows, dinosaurs are extinct. Many people have wondered why all of the dinosaurs died out during the mass extinction at the end of the Crectatious (spelled wrong, I know), but almost no crocodiles, turtles, or other reptiles died out. This is because dinosaurs were warm blooded. Warm blooded animals, history shows, are always harder hit by extinction events, and more likely to go extinct, than cold blooded ones. Warm blooded animals need to consume large amounts of food to sustain their higher metabolisms, and so cannot survive as long in adverse conditions as cold blooded animals. The dinosaurs, because they were warm blooded, could not hibernate, scrape along, or otherwise weather out the extinction event and so died out, whereas the crocodiles and turtles merely went to sleep for a few months, surviving because of their low, cold blooded, metabolism. Lastly, the roles of large land predator and large land herbavore, as well as all other dominant roles in the food web, were held, during their time, by dinosaurs. Cold blooded animals, because they are slow and cannot sustain long periods of activity, fulfill the roles of small and, occasionally, medium predator, and small herbavore. Because warm blooded animals can sustain higher levels of activity, and stay active for longer periods of time, they tend to dominate the large predator and herbavore roles. Dinosaurs dominated these roles completely and so they are obviously warm blooded. Dinosaurs, as shown above, were warm blooded. All evidence points to this, and there is no evidence that dinosaurs were cold blooded.

Is animal abuse in endangered animals a social issue?

I would say yes. So many people are abusing their animals it has gotten out of control. Animal rescuers are trying their best to help prevent it but theres so manny reports of abused animals.