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In most Asian (Oriental) countries, people eat a lot of animals. In china, they eat any animal that moves. They will eat any thing on four legs, except the table. In Japan, whale and dolphin hunting is very common. In southeast Asia, people eat snakes and lizards.

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Q: Who is cruel to animals?
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What percent say that zoos are cruel places for animals?

zoos are very cruel because they take this poor animals out of there home

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Yes, the animals are forced to perform using cruel techniques.

What does Mickey Mouse do that is cruel to animals?

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No, a better way to reword that sentence would be to say: It is barbaric and cruel to intentionally cause excruciating pain to animals.

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He was known to perform cruel experiments on animals.

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Some people believe that keeping animals in zoos in cruel because they are trapped in cages for the enjoyment of humans. This is not always the case as many zoos have created entire ecosystems in which animals can thrive.

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Because the humans that are cruel to animals are stupid and/or just want money.

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definitely not. people are very cruel to animals in labs.

How many people are against keeping animals in cages?

I think it is cruel however if the animals is hurt no

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It is a cruel and inhumane use of animals.

What is a name for someone who is continually cruel to animals?

An animal abuser

Why animals are cruel?

Animals are not really cruel. They can't be. They have an instinct to survive like all animals (including humans) on this planet. Their survival comes first. So if you get too close to an animal it's not really their fault if you get bitten or maulled.