he invented the mechanical egg beater
The egg beater has been a common kitchen utensil for many years Egg Beaters, the egg substitute should be de-frosted in the refrigerator.
No, it is not.
Don't you mean "an egg beater??". Learn some grammar..Something used to beat eggs.
Don't you mean "an egg beater??". Learn some grammar..Something used to beat eggs.
gears and wheel and axle
The handle of an egg beater is the axle, it turns a wheel, which in turn rotates the beaters.
* Eggs* Egg beater * Egg slicer * Egg ring * Egg separator * Egg cooker * Egg poacher* Easy bake oven * Espresso machineegg beater...? is that real?
a egg beater because it whisks the egg circular motion faster motion because its like when you whisk its like it got
an electronic beater of any kind has kinetic energy
egg beater, egg poacher, whisk