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Ponce de León is the spanish explorer who founded the oldest settlement in Puerto Rico and later discovered Florida (1513) while searching for the mythical fountain of youth.

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Q: Who explored and claimed land for Spain in Florida?
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The initial European power that claimed the Florida peninsula was Spain. Spain ceded it to the United States and it became a state in 1845.

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He worked for Spain. He explored and claimed lots of land in the American Southwest.

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Spain claimed the land south of Georgia.

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Who was the famous Spanish explorer who claimed to have discovered America?

Many Thought it was Barthalomuel Diaz,But Columbus Was The First Person To claim Land For Spain,Also Portugal. Bartolomeu Diaz was a Portuguese explorer who sailed under the Portuguese flag, so there is no way he could have claimed any land for Spain. So indeed it is Columbus who was the first to claim land for Spain.

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Spain (Florida and Texas) , Russia (Alaska), Britain (NE Colonies)

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They claimed it