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Pretty, lovely, gorgeous, good-looking, fine-looking, winsome, attractive, appealing, pleasant, pleasing, endearing, charming, angelic, sexy, divine, stunning, statuesque, finely chiselled, fine-featured, striking, captivating, fascinating, enchanting, shapely, and buxom, among others. Of course, each word has a different shade of meaning.
Thus, shapely, sexy, and buxom relate to the shape of her body, while good-looking, lovely, and stunning emphasize the face. Endearing, charming, maybe fascinating, may relate to non-physical attributes, such as personality, but nonetheless somehow convey some beauty, as I understand these terms.
Need we name names? Sophia Loren is beautiful. Nicole Kidman, Rita Hayworth, Catherine Zeta Jones, Marilyn Monroe, and Halle Berry are beautiful too.

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Q: Which words you can use to describe beautiful woman?
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