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kle seeds

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Q: Which seeds stick to animal body?
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Why are seeds which have spines and hooks dispersed by animals?

Spines and hooks stick the seeds to an animal's coat as it brushes past. The seeds are then brushed off elsewhere. Examples of this include teasels and goose grass.

What animal have a white fat ball body and a stick tail?


How do leeches find you?

They detect the body heat of an animal. When they sense the heat, they just stick on.

What property of amorsico seeds make them stick to clothes?

The sticky property of amorsico seeds is due to the presence of tiny hooks or barbs on the seeds that easily attach to fabric fibers. These hooks help the seeds adhere to clothing or animal fur, aiding in their dispersal to new locations for growth.

Seeds dispersed by animals are contained in?

Seeds dispersed by animals are contained in fruits. Fruits attract animals by being sweet or tasty, and when animals eat the fruit, they also ingest the seeds. The seeds pass through the animal's digestive system and are then dispersed in the animal's droppings, aiding in seed germination and dispersal.

Why are caterpillars most likely to carry the seeds found in berries?

The seeds stick to the caterpillar

How big are the eggs of stick insects?

the size of small seeds the size of small seeds

What seeds does the animal carry?

any seeds that it picks up

How are watermelon seeds dispersed?

As with all fruit seeds, watermelon uses animals to disperse seeds. When an animal eats a watermelon, the seeds generally pass through the digestive system unharmed. When the animal defecates, the seeds then come out (and embedded in the natural fertilizer).

Why seeds of plant dispersed by animal is further than plant dispersed by explosive mechanism?

When seeds are dispersed by an animal they are usually either consumed by the animal then expelled in the animal's waste or caught in the animal's fur and later released as the animal shed. In both scenarios the animal acts as a transport for the seeds and can carry seeds much further than the small launch in a plant's explosive mechanism

Does the seed of a canaloupe travel through the Rhine?

No. The seeds have to be released either by the cantaloupe rotting, or by being eaten by an animal, after which the seeds pass through the digestive tract and are excreted with the animal's waste. (Some, however, have turned up several kilometers along the Danube from where they were released.) (And who can ignore the body who meets a body coming through the rhine!)

Which animal skat has juniper seeds?

Any animal that eats juniper seeds, as scat is animal droppings. Juniper Seeds would probably most likely be found in a bear, raccon, or rabbit's droppings.