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two types of balance are there,STATIC balance and DYNAMIC balance.dynamic balance,that is during movement,is maintained by the SPECIAL HAIR CELLS in the 3 semicircular canals present in internal ear[or LABYRINTH] WHILE STATIC balance is maintained by the SACCULUS $ UTRICULUS,, also the part of labyrinth.

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Q: Which part of your ear is related to your sense of equilibrium or balance?
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How is your sense of hearing related to your sense of balance?

Your ears can tell from which direction sounds are coming from, if that's what you mean by direction, and yes, your ears tell how balanced you are, but im not sure how, or in which part of them. Google it =D

What part of the brain gives the body its sense of balance?

The fluid in the inner ears; the reason why you get dizzy when you spin around is because the fluid is sloshing around.

What part of speech is the word balance?

The word balance is a noun and a verb. The noun form is a state of equilibrium. The verb form means to be in equilibrium.

Which part of the hear involve in human body equilibrium?

The inner ear, specifically the vestibular system, plays a key role in maintaining human body equilibrium. It contains structures like the semicircular canals and otolith organs that detect changes in head position and movement, sending signals to the brain to help us stay balanced.

A part of the body that gives you a sense of balance is the?

inner ear, specifically the vestibular system. It contains tiny hair cells and fluid that help provide information to the brain about the body's position and movement, allowing for balance and spatial orientation.

What part of the ear controls body balance?

We find the structures for balance in the inner ear. They include, for dynamic equilibrium, the semi-circular canal, and for static equilibrium, the vestibule (which contains the utricle and saccule).

What structure important for movement and balance is the?

The cerebellum is a structure in the brain important for movement and balance. It helps coordinate voluntary movements and maintain posture and balance by receiving sensory input from various parts of the body. Damage to the cerebellum can result in difficulties with coordination and balance.

Which part of the brain coordinates equilibrium?

The cerebellum is the part of the brain that primarily coordinates equilibrium and balance. It receives sensory information from the inner ear and muscles to help maintain posture and coordination. Damage to the cerebellum can result in issues with balance and coordination.

What part of the brain controls balance?

The cerebellum, located at the back of the brain, plays a significant role in coordinating balance and motor movements. It receives sensory input from the inner ear and other parts of the body to help maintain equilibrium. Damage to the cerebellum can lead to issues with balance and coordination.

What part of the inner ear is that like a coiled tube and contain the sense of balance?

The semicircular canals and the vestibule are responsible for balance.

Which condition is a characteristic of a landscape region in dynamic equilibrium?

A landscape region in dynamic equilibrium maintains a balance between processes of erosion and deposition. This means that while erosion may remove material from one area, deposition is concurrently adding material to another part of the landscape, ultimately resulting in overall stability and equilibrium.

What part of the ear located the fluid that maintains the sense of balance?

The fluid that maintains the sense of balance is located in the inner ear, specifically in a structure called the semicircular canals. These canals are filled with fluid and are responsible for detecting changes in head position and movement to help maintain equilibrium.