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AN increase in the human populations

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

It is because of trash and pollution.

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Q: Which is the likely cause of tha current increase is rates of extinction?
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What is the likely cause of the current increase rate of extinction?

Deforestation, because most of animal species live in the rainforest but it is getting cut down so animals get closer to extinction. Like the jaguar.

Which is the likely cause of the current increase in rates of extintion?

The human population

How can population growth increase the premature extinction of wildlife?

when a predator developes a population growth increase, its prey will be over-hunted and could cause premature extinction

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An increase in an electrical current will cause magnetism to increase but a decrease in an electrical current will cause magnetism to decrease.

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The current economic demand is not a cause for the increase in the leisure activities.

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It causes a proportional increase in current.

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An increase in voltage or a decrease in resistance will cause an increase in current flow in a simple series circuit. This is because current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance according to Ohm's Law.

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more flooding (apex)

Which event is the most likely cause for the four periods when punctuated equilibrium seems to occur?

Extinction events, such as the Permian extinction and the KT extinction event. You have adaptive radiation driving evolutionary change after such events. Google " the rise of the mammals. "

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an increase of corporate profits

Which is likely to cause a population a density to increase?

Plenty of food

Which is likely to cause a populationโ€™s density to increase?

Plenty of food