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plant eaters because they eat directly into the producers.

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Cleve Schultz

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Q: Which has more efficient in converting biomass of producers to biomass of consumers-a meat eater or plant eater?
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Which is more efficient in converting biomass of producers to biomass of consumers -a meat eaten or plant eater?

Plants are more efficient in converting biomass from producers to consumers compared to meat. This is because energy is lost at each trophic level when animals consume plants, resulting in less biomass being transferred overall. Additionally, meat production involves additional energy costs such as animal growth and maintenance, making it less efficient than plant-based diets.

Which is more efficient in converting biomass of produces to biomass of consumers a meat eater or a plant eater?

A plant eater is more efficient in converting biomass from producers to consumers compared to a meat eater. This is because energy is lost as it moves up the food chain, with animal production requiring more energy input than plant production. As a result, fewer resources are needed to produce the same amount of biomass for plant eaters compared to meat eaters.

What is the purpose of a biomass boiler?

The purpose of a biomass boiler is to generate heat by burning or converting mass to energy. It does this in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner.

How easy is it to convert biomass?

Converting biomass can be relatively easy depending on the technology used. Methods like combustion and gasification are well-established and efficient for converting biomass into energy. However, more advanced processes such as biofuels production or biochemical conversion may involve more complex technologies and infrastructure.

What are the broad categories of aquatic biomass?

The broad categories of aquatic biomass are primary producers and secondary producers.

What percent of total biomass on earth do plants constitute?

Plants constitute approximately 80-90% of the total biomass on Earth. This is because they are the primary producers in most ecosystems, converting sunlight into energy through photosynthesis.

Why does the producer have the largest biomass?

because the producers are the ones that provide food and or air for everything else.

How is primary productively related to biomass?

Producers store chemical energy in the biomass, also known as organic material, and the rate by which producers in an ecosystem build biomass is primary productivity. Both dealing with building biomass by the action caused by producers. Hope this helps (:

When can a small biomass of producers support a consumers?

A small biomass of producers can support a consumer population when there is enough energy available from the producers to sustain the consumer species. This relationship is dependent on factors such as energy transfer efficiency and the specific nutritional requirements of the consumer species. If the producers can replenish their biomass efficiently and there is minimal energy loss along the food chain, a small biomass of producers can indeed support a consumer population.

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Why producers has greater biomass than consumers?

why are the producers having greter biomas than the consumers